Emerging Security Trends and Risks in Bangladesh: Staying Ahead of the Curve

Emerging Security Trends and Risks in Bangladesh: Staying Ahead of the Curve


Bangladesh’s digital ascent is remarkable. From booming e-commerce to smart city initiatives, the nation embraces technological advancements across sectors. However, with every leap forward, the security landscape transforms, presenting new challenges and opportunities. In this blog, Rival Security Limited, Bangladesh’s trusted security partner, analyzes emerging trends and risks that will shape the security landscape in 2024 and beyond.

Trend 1: The Cybercrime Explosion:

  • Ransomware on the Rise: As businesses, critical infrastructure, and government agencies rely heavily on digital systems, ransomware attacks become increasingly lucrative. Expect targeted attacks with sophisticated encryption strategies, demanding higher ransoms and causing critical operational disruptions.
  • Phishing Evolves: Traditional phishing emails will be dwarfed by spear-phishing attacks tailored to specific individuals or organizations. Social media infiltration, deepfakes, and AI-powered manipulation will blur the lines between reality and deception, making users even more vulnerable.
  • Mobile Mayhem: With smartphone penetration skyrocketing, mobile malware and phishing attacks will proliferate. Banking apps, mobile wallets, and messaging platforms will be prime targets, requiring robust mobile security solutions.

Trend 2: Artificial Intelligence (AI) – Friend or Foe?

  • AI-powered Attacks: Cybercriminals will leverage AI to automate their attacks, identify vulnerabilities faster, and launch highly targeted campaigns. AI-powered malware will adapt and evade traditional detection methods, necessitating sophisticated security solutions using AI and machine learning for defense.
  • Deepfakes and Disinformation: AI-generated deepfakes will sow seeds of mistrust and manipulate public opinion, threatening national security and social stability. Robust fact-checking tools and media literacy programs will be crucial to combatting this threat.
  • Ethical Concerns: As AI integrates further into security systems, concerns about bias, transparency, and accountability will intensify. Developing ethical frameworks and ensuring human oversight for AI-powered security solutions will be critical.

Trend 3: The Internet of Things (IoT) – A Web of Vulnerabilities:

  • Smart Homes, Big Risks: As smart homes and devices become commonplace, their interconnectedness exposes new attack vectors. Hackers can exploit unpatched vulnerabilities, insecure connections, and compromised devices to gain access to personal data, control home systems, and even launch physical attacks.
  • Connected Cities, Connected Threats: Smart cities relying on interconnected infrastructure face significant risks. Hackers could disrupt critical services like traffic control, energy grids, and emergency response systems, causing widespread chaos and endangering lives.
  • Securing the Supply Chain: The global nature of IoT device manufacturing introduces vulnerabilities throughout the supply chain. Implementing secure coding practices, hardware-level security measures, and rigorous testing throughout the manufacturing process will be essential.

Trend 4: Data Privacy in the Spotlight:

  • Personal Data at Stake: As more data is collected and stored online, concerns about privacy will intensify. Stringent data protection regulations like the Bangladesh Data Protection Act 2018 will demand stricter data governance and user consent mechanisms.
  • Biometric Data – Double-edged Sword: While biometric authentication offers enhanced security, its misuse can have dire consequences. Robust data breach prevention measures and strong legal frameworks for biometric data collection and storage are crucial.
  • Combating Surveillance: The increasing use of surveillance technologies raises concerns about individual liberties and mass monitoring. Striking a balance between security and privacy will be a critical challenge in the digital age.


Bangladesh’s digital future is full of promise, but navigating the emerging security landscape requires vigilance and proactive measures. Rival Security Limited remains committed to providing comprehensive security solutions tailored to address these evolving threats. From cutting-edge cybersecurity expertise to advanced network protection and data privacy consulting, we empower individuals and organizations to thrive in the digital age with confidence.

As we enter 2024, staying informed about emerging trends and risks is critical. By understanding the evolving security landscape and partnering with trusted security providers like Rival Security Limited, Bangladesh can secure its digital future and unlock its full potential.